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QUIZ: Which Disney Villain Are You?

Behind all the bright colors and happy sing-a-longs, Disney movies also have some of the best villains around. Plus, those theme songs? Can’t be beat.

It’s okay to admit you’ve always wondered: Which Disney villain are you? Well, step into our evil lair and let us tell you. *cue evil laughter*

Disney Villain Quiz Results

Go on, we know you’re curious. Take a peek at the other outcomes you could have gotten. And if you feel like your result is a Big Evil Mistake, there’s still time for a third act!

Captain Hook, Peter Pan

Nobody can say you aren’t focused on your goals! So focused, in fact, some might call it an obsession. But no matter — you have a strict code of conduct that you follow at all times. It would be quite honorable if you weren’t so … villainous.

Ursula, The Little Mermaid

You’ve got enough charisma to bring anyone flocking to your cauldron! All across the seven seas, you’re known for your negotiating skills. Your turn of phrase is more slippery than a sliding eel, but that’s just how you roll. Few can resist your dangerous charm(s).

Oogie Boogie, The Nightmare Before Christmas

Well well well, who have we here? Oogie Boogie, huh?Ooh, we’re really scared! Beneath all that flashy bravado is someone who’s really quite reckless with their chances. Roll the dice and never think twice! You’re here for a good time, not a long time. If anyone can’t appreciate your antics then they’re just buggin’.

Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty

Others are afraid of you because of your power, and that’s just how you like it. You feel most at home swathed in swirls of darkness and green flame. There’s beauty in that evil abandon so don’t let anyone sleep on you and your wicked ways!

Grimhilde AKA Evil Queen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Mirror mirror, on the wall, who’s the wickedest of- …oops, we mean fairest, of course. When someone has what you want, there’s no stopping you until you’ve got it. And you’ll do whatever it takes — for better or worse. Go on and slay, Queen!

Queen of Hearts, Alice in Wonderland

Alright, alright, we heard you! Off with their heads! In moments of chaos, you’ve been known to be a bit hot-headed. Actually, you’re a bit moody all the time but hey, it’s your garden and you’ll do what you want. Anybody who says otherwise and it’s OFF WITH THEIR … well, you know.

Scar, The Lion King

There’s no mistaking your brilliance. In fact, if you had put that cunning mind to other pursuits, you might have been a great leader. But instead you chose evil. You don’t mind though. Whoever said it’s lonely at the top was sorely mistaken — that’s where you belong.

Our favorite stories would be so much less fun without our favorite villains as well. Whether you’re headed for a redemption arc or doubling down on your nefarious schemes, villains are the backbone of the best stories.

Now that you’ve completed the quiz, let us in on the secret: Which Disney villain are you? Join the conversation with other Disney fans over at Sideshow Social Network or at, and don’t forget to Let Your Villain Sideshow!

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