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Paradise Lost: X-Men ’97 Episode 5 “Remember It” Review

So far, Marvel’s X-Men ’97 has surely been one of the wildest rides in recent animated history. But fans of the X-Men would expect no less. We’ve seen Storm suffer through her greatest loss of all, Madelyne Pryor’s bitter fight for agency, and mutant love blooming (not to mention wilting).

Now, with episode 5, the mutant drama continues. In the intro, we see cameos from Cable and Nightcrawler, plus Apocalypse — all hints at what’s to come. “Remember It” tugs at every heartstring, ascending to a last act that will change the X-Men forever.

Welcome to Mutant Paradise

“Remember It” opens with a news segment by reporter Trish Tilby, She details the induction of Genosha, the world’s first mutant nation, into the United Nations. It’s a momentous event so she travels to the X-Mansion to interview the X-Men. After flirting with Beast and listening to Jubilee, we head over to Genosha itself.

On the island, Rogue, Gambit, and Magneto visit the mutant paradise. Young mutants like Pixie, Glob, Leech, and Nature Girl are all seen enjoying a society that’s finally safe for them to be themselves. Upon their arrival, Madelyne Pryor greets the X-Men representatives as a member of the Interim Council, Genosha’s governing body. She requests a private meeting with Magneto while Nightcrawler pops in to act as tour guide for Rogue and Gambit.

Too Busy for Love

During their tour, Rogue is enamored with Genosha. Finally a place where mutants are free! But she almost lets slip that she had already heard of Magneto’s plans for mutant society. Gambit’s suspicions of their past continue to mount, and he notices the high prices of Genoshan market items. Even apples seem expensive. Rogue brushes off his skepticism, saying that “fly can’t help but ruin honey.”

Still, Gambit questions Magneto’s huge importance to the island nation. After all, there are titanic statues of Professor X as well as Magneto in the city center. At the same time, Nightcrawler questions Gambit about where he stands with Rogue. While Gambit is sure of his love for Rogue, he’s hesitant of their future together. As Dazzler performs in the background, Nightcrawler reminds his friend that “Love is best measured in what we forgive.”

Drowning in Memories

Back at the mansion, Trish continues her interviews. Cyclops, definitely nervous in front of the camera, tries to act as the perfect spokesperson for mutants. Wolverine and Jean Grey, however, skip the interviews. Jean struggles with her memories and confides in Logan how odd it feels to reacquaint herself with her powers.

During the TV interview, Trish interrogates Scott about his romance with Jean. At the same time, Jean opens up to Logan about her own feelings toward Scott. Their recollections mirror each other, even if their perceptions of events don’t quite match up. Much like Rogue and Gambit, their love is not in question but the stability of their relationship remains rocky. Logan advises against wallowing too hard in the past, and suddenly Jean kisses Logan. With a pained look, he brushes it off.

Tell It to the Camera

Scott is finally pushed over the edge by Trish’s probing when she asks about Nathan. He goes off on a classic and very affecting Cyclops rant against humanity. Before storming out of the room, he points out that while humans may hate and fear mutants, they wouldn’t exist without mutantkind’s compassion.

On Genosha, we’re introduced to the nation’s Interim Council. It’s members present an interesting mix of mutants (plus ally Moira McTaggert) from all walks of X-gene life: shady corporate mutants like Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw, altruistic mutants like Maddy and Banshee, plus the Morlock Callisto. The council asks Magneto to act as Genosha’s chancellor since Charles Xavier isn’t there to do it. However, not all the members are in perfect agreement that this is the best choice.

Magneto’s one condition is that Rogue is his co-ruler.

Remember… or Feel?

After his outburst, Jean attempts to comfort Scott in his room. Suddenly, a telepathic image of Jean reveals that Scott is actually meeting with Maddy on the Astral Plane. Back on Genosha, Maddy is whipped out of her connection while Emma smirks nearby — no doubt a reference to her psychic affair with Scott in the comics.

At the mansion, Scott claims to love both of them but Jean is furious. She points out that she turned down the Phoenix and whole galaxies for him, while he falls in love with a part of her tampered with by Mr. Sinister. Their fight reveals both mutants’ bubbling insecurities and resentments. Jean pushes that her love for Scott is the one thing she remembers and Scott asks whether she feels it, or merely remembers. Then, without warning, a psychic strike tears through Jean’s forehead and she doubles over in pain.

Room for Demons

Rogue explains to Gambit her past connection to Magneto. Her “evil mother” (AKA Mystique) brought her to Magneto in the Savage Lands. He shared with her grand plans for mutant culture. Together, they also discovered that his electromagnetic powers allowed them to touch. Finding the connection she desperately craved, Rogue began a relationship with the Master of Magnetism.

Over time, his inner turmoil became a barrier for the new couple. When Rogue decided to join the X-Men, Magneto pretended their past never happened so she could have a new beginning. A kindness that was small yet also cruel. Of course, Gambit is heartbroken at the confession.

Just Friends

Rogue is considering accepting Magneto’s proposal to be his co-ruler. She claims this is why she became an X-Man, to make a difference in the world. Gambit wagers that Magneto will break her heart again. Though it hurts her to say it, Rogue says she and Gambit never stood a chance. Still, Gambit has faith that their love was more than just touch. For now, he whispers, they’ll stay friends.

Deeper than Skin

As fireworks go off at the Genoshan gala, Uatu the Watcher observes from the cosmos. More foreshadowing of the catastrophe to come. Down below, Valerie Cooper takes issue with Magneto as leader. Should a terrorist really lead Genosha?

At that very moment, Rogue makes a grand entrance. She descends through the air with her hair up, wearing a deep red gown. Magneto ascends to join her in the air and they begin an intimate dance above the crowd, touching and caressing as Gambit walks away below. They share a kiss but then Rogue pulls away. Turns out, Gambit was right. Some things are deeper than skin.

Meanwhile, a similar psychic strike cuts through Maddy’s forehead. A flash of Jean holding baby Nathan appears and a gruff voice says to turn off the music. Maddy stumbles out of the gala after blood spills from her nose.

A Promise Was Made

Outside, Cable pushes through the crowd demanding that the music is turned off. Explosions go off in the distance. Cable spots Maddy and tries to warn her, but his tech informs him he must leave. Bodyslide for just one. He tells his mom he’s sorry. Before she can question her long-lost son, Maddy is incinerated by a green light.

More horrific green blasts bombard the island nation. Sentinels are targeting the mutants and the ensuing scene is one of utter carnage. Mutants are killed in every direction as Master Mold carries out its onslaught. Rogue and Magneto barely manage to survive thanks to a last-minute rescue by Nightcrawler. Gambit catches up and explains that the majority of mutants are dead due to Master Mold’s attack. Magneto sets out to stop it.

They Shall Be Avenged

In the chaos, Val Cooper tries to help mutants escape to the gardens, a temporary safe haven. Magneto draws away the Sentinels’ fire so Rogue can clear a path for Gambit to rescue the Morlocks, who are stuck in caverns below.

Magneto summons every ounce of his strength, remembering all those from his past who suffered under the tyranny of oppressors. He lashes out at Master Mold with a metro train, using it as a whip. Gambit and Rogue manage to break the Morlocks free but Master Mold drops Magneto into their path. It blasts Magneto with all of its power, and he struggles to hold off the attack with an electromagnetic force field. It doesn’t look like he can withstand the effort for long.

Play Your Cards Right

Magneto wraps Rogue and Gambit in a shield of metal before Master Mold’s blast overpowers him. The robotic voice says “Omega-level threat eliminated.” Silence falls on the battlefield.

Infuriated, Rogue zooms at Master Mold to take it down but Gambit blasts her out of harm’s way. He attempts to take the Sentinel on by himself, but is impaled on one of the robot’s spikes. In one last effort to destroy Master Mold, Gambit uses his tactile connection with the Sentinel to charge the entire robot with his kinetic power. Master Mold is destroyed but Gambit is killed in the process.

Rogue makes her way to Gambit’s body, cradling him in her arms. Through sobs that echo as the screen fades to black, Rogue says, “I can’t feel you.”

If your tears weren’t flowing by the end of “Remember It,” it’s possible you had your memories wiped by a telepath. For that, we’re slightly jealous — the fifth episode of X-Men ’97 was a lot of heartbreak for 37 minutes.

X-fans, tell us how you’re feeling about the fate of Genosha. Join the conversation with other Marvel fans over at Sideshow Social Network or in side.show/geekgroup, and don’t forget to Let Your Geek Sideshow!

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