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Vintage Fashion: Fan-Favorite Hero Outfits

Undeniably, many ’80s heroes had some stellar fashion. These outfits have inspired costumes in modern day life and media, too. From the fabrics, colors, cuts, and more, we see 1980s protagonists’ best looks everywhere from the streets to the screen.

Below, let’s take a look back at some fan-favorite costumes worn by television and film heroes. Have they inspired you?

He-Man (Masters of the Universe)

As both Prince Adam and He-Man, this Masters of the Universe character has mastered fashion. Prince Adam’s clothes are a little more conservative and regal, with his skin covered and his status shining through. But then Adam transforms into a legendary warrior. The shirt comes off, replaced by rippling musculature and shining armor. He-Man dazzles in warm tones that complement his blonde bob. When he isn’t busy fighting Skeletor, maybe He-Man should consider walking the runway.

She-Ra (Masters of the Universe)

Of course we also need to give a shout out to the Princess of Power! She-Ra is rocking the armor and tiara. She’s similarly swathed in warm colors — notably red and gold, colors denoting passion and success. If she wanted to, she could take off the cape and use her dress for cocktail hour. And we’re obsessed with those matching go-go boots. Practical for kicking butt? Perhaps not. But we respect her commitment to looking amazing 24/7.

Lion-O (ThunderCats)

We can all agree the ThunderCats made some striking fashion choices. Fusing medieval armor with wrestling uniforms, Lion-O and company have the best and brightest leotards in animation. Plus, they accessorize with glittering, jewel-toned belts and gloves. While all these additions are technically for battle purposes, we like to think they enhance the costumes’ overall visual appeal, too. Add some cherry red hair that matches the Thundera royal logo and you can’t go wrong.

Optimus Prime (Transformers)

Alright, so Optimus Prime’s outfit is also his body. Because Transformers. Since his paint job has been changed and upgraded over time, however, we think it counts. After all, he’s like a car, with new versions released each year. Still, we’re most fond of this Generation 1 Optimus Prime. He’s blocky but not sharp. The cartoonish angles speak to his abilities and power, yet this Autobot also looks approachable and wise. Prime, you’ll always be our favorite hero made of metal.

Princess Leia Organa (Star Wars)

Leia Organa™ has many incredible and iconic outfits in every single Star Wars movie. Her first appearance in A New Hope™ with that white dress is ingrained in our memories. Plus it’s probably why the princess arrives once again in white during the initial scenes of The Empire Strikes Back™. Her snow suit is regal yet practical, fashionable yet functional. And that braid crown is one of her most memorable hair moments of all time.

Superman (Superman II)

Once again, we return to this primary color scheme. It’s both eye-catching and classic, and it carries with it feelings from childhood. In primary school, we all played with yellow, red, and blue building blocks. When we see that palette onscreen, we immediately associate positive energy with it. Put it on Superman, and that’s just the perfect combination. Additionally, Christopher Reeves’ Superman suit is soft and stretchy, with no inflated muscles or bulk hiding the All-American, apple-pie DC Comics character underneath. There’s something about this wholesome look that is so intrinsically Clark Kent, and thus, so quintessentially Superman.

What are your favorite ’80s hero outfits? Share your picks at or in the Sideshow Social Network, and don’t forget to Let Your Geek Sideshow!

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