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QUIZ: Which Holiday Would You Ruin Like Jack Skellington?

The best of intentions can lead to the most disastrous results. And nobody knows this better than Jack Skellington, the ghostly hero of Disney’s classic film The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Though he means to bring the Christmas spirit to his home of Halloween Town, Jack only ends up causing chaos in the holiday world. Fortunately, he manages to save the day (with a little help from Sandy Claws).

In honor of the film’s 30th anniversary, we’re dying to know: If you were Jack Skellington, which holiday would you ruin? Take our quiz below and find out!

The Nightmare Before Christmas Quiz Results

Why stop at just one holiday? There’s a whole clearing full of holiday doors waiting for you to jump inside and give your own special touch!


You’re basically a conduit for the dark forces. Lurking behind corners to frighten passersby? Absolutely. Hiding horrific creepy crawlies in goody bags? You betcha. There’s nothing too sinister for you, which means ruining holidays is kinda your thing. We applaud your efforts — and so do the residents of Halloween Town. A little twist and shout is just what Dr. Finkelstein ordered.


You love all things happy and cheery. You’re probably a big fan of singing carols on random doorsteps and hanging garlands from every empty doorway. However, beware of partaking in too much Yuletide spirit this season. You might find yourself buried under a mountain of heavy presents or tied up in endless shopping lists. Don’t even get us started on the ghosts of Christmas past — those guys just don’t know when to quit.

Valentine’s Day

It’s very likely that you’re a hopeless romantic, someone who’s crazy for all things about love. And what’s not to love? Wearing your heart on your sleeve can open up doors to all sorts of possibilities, a perfect path to deepening friendships and flourishing romances. In fact, you’ve got a box full of fresh candy hearts. Oh, that dripping red stuff? It’s just syrup. Yeah. Yeah, definitely … syrup.


If Thanksgiving is your thing, that means you probably enjoy gathering loved ones to enjoy homemade delicacies. A wonderful meal is the perfect time to express gratitude. And what makes people feel more grateful than a plate full of mystery meat, or perhaps a dubious-looking casserole? Don’t hold back this year on your culinary creativity. And we’re more than happy to share our recipe for eye scream.


On the outside, you’re cute and brightly colored. But there are some obvious cracks in that pastel exterior. A bunny that lays eggs? We know a creature feature when we see one. Our suggestion is to really lean into the whole demonic bunny thing. Fill your eggs with actual bugs and dirt, maybe even a few carnivorous plants. After all, spring is the time for new life to bloom.

St. Patrick’s Day

Ooh you’re a fun one. As a fan of St. Patrick’s Day, we can tell you love to be among close friends and family, taking part in plenty of frolicking festivities. And you never stray away from a good color-coordinated outfit. According to tradition, St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. But we love snakes around here, so we brought them all back to join in on the fun. Watch your feet!

4th of July

If you’re matched up with the 4th of July, there’s no doubt you love an explosive celebration. Actually, you’re known for throwing big parties with even bigger results. Speaking of parties, we threw together a to-do list for you: “Fireworks, hats, BBQ Uncle Sam.” No, we didn’t leave out a comma. Don’t forget the lighter fluid.

So which holiday will be your next victim? Will you be bringing macabre mayhem to Christmas or dooming true love? If we’ve learned anything from The Nightmare Before Christmas, no holiday is safe from a few updates here and there.

Let us know when you join the conversation with other Disney fans over at Sideshow Social Network or at, and don’t forget to Let Your Geek Sideshow!

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